headache?? yayaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
I was so stress this morning, show emo to anyone near me
so when SONY came in the editing lab, keep asking what's our main problems abt Dragon Dance, i was so @#*#^*#^*#*^%#% Right?>? he always like tat, knows nth abt the subject, but comments a lot wif kinda useless point...k, we r in rush to do the assignment already, so don kacau kacau unless u really have the point to comment us... i know he wants to be helpful , but as a lecturer who always sleeps at class, i have no comment... i seldom complain abt my lecturer, becoz whoever he or she is, i show them my respect....but to him, i serious *#*^$&^@#(
k la, i know someone also not in mood today, she was so angry abt some still big old men...haizzzz...serious!!! STILL BIG@@@
haha, beside tat part, today was juz fine, cos sunshine all the day...lalala
crazy photos we took these days
act tat im still 5 years old....haha~~k la~~i m OLD!!!!!!!!!
The Ink.. wearing what we prepare for music video
seems like we r bullying him, the truth is---he welcomes ppl to do tat! haha
the Ice cream Day again!!!! yum yum
Kayren, me, Jas...trying out the new fone i emotionally bought, cost me few hundreds....IM BROKEN !!!