Miss Cosmos Pageant 2007
the past two days, i was busy working for Miss Cosmos Pageant 2007 at Imperial Mall Hotel. It was Great and i have learnt a lot! really a lot!! Cool... My work is easy compare to other camera women...cos im the assistant of JU's. den i have many time to learn around, like how the live shows was shot by different camera at positions, and how does the whole process runs when the Pegeant starts...moreover, how to get a good position to take photo for Press...ahahah~~Lots lots, i duno how to write here, hahaha~~and met a lot famous people. Amy, Fish and I are so excited when we met Amber Chia in person. And the Winner of Miss Chinese 2003, Miss Jiang Xing Rong . She is the MC of the final pageant. Both of them are veryyyyy friendly to us...haha, and we took lots of photo together, well, havent got photo from Ju yet...but i got some took by myself...

Thx to Ju that gave me the chance to attend the Pegeant, hahaha~yea~love u all~~
Amber Chia in front of Press
The top 5
Miss Chinese
MC Jiang Xing Rong

Second Runner-up
First runner-up
THe Winner

posted by yuki Lai at 8/05/2007 01:51:00 下午 | Permalink |