days in KK~
I got photo from Chris' share file, hehe~thx to CHris~
IT was so fun to play the banana boat, i was crazy, hahaha...Peiwen, Catherine, Chris, Big and small Hiew and I, went to erm sapi island den decide to try the banana boat, ps. I duno how to swim~therefore it was fun, but also mmm~~dangerous for me~~lolz~
first round, i took the NO.1 seat, the only one who doesnot know swimming wanna fight by herself Ready to start...oh GOD
Can u see my face??haha~so funny~~btw~~im without the spec...yea~u will never see me without spec in real life~lalala
the scarest moment in my life
the second round
the Hiew Brother (big and small)
peiwen and catherine


posted by yuki Lai at 7/20/2007 04:28:00 下午 | Permalink |