something something~~

I was wondering what i have done since this holiday~~

and the conclusion is i did nothing~AGAIN~~haha~~

i planned what should i do, even listed down on a paper~but u know me la~i always have a lot excuse 1 to skip this n not do that~~

thinking abt my future~so many question marks~~when we discuss the plans in 2 years time, we get lost n feel so hopeless, no direction at all... ya~~actually i even cant plan for tmr...how to plan something in 2 years? but then, i willing to plan, although there left 1% hope...

my first time to take this seriously... i think abt the problems, plan the posibilities...

and i really hope it gonna be work...

dear, i love u :)
posted by yuki Lai at 1/13/2009 07:37:00 下午 | Permalink |