so The Prom Night 2007
so we finally went to the Prom night...not as sienz as i expected...but not sooooo fun also...Overall ..ok gua...haha~~but i love the moment when we took photo...:)
so here it is.............especialy to AMY !!!!see la see la~~haha~who asked u din join us leh? fly us plane...blekkkkk
group photo first, Theo, Ianzz, ah Kai, David, Dingseng, Shirlene, Yuki, Peiwen, Jieqiong, David, Alvin

The Peiwen duno why so happy la? haha~meet prince-charming?hahaha
Peiwen wif her partner-willie
Yuki wif David
wif Shirlene
Yuki wif Aaron
the prince and princess going back home ka? lolz
Lovely couple-David & JieQiong

Peiwen, Yuki & Ejean

the guyz

Lovely couple
Di...what r u thinking? ohhh~~the No.16 Prince!!!

aiyo...wif the Ianzz didi..

wif fish psh

wif Michelle
Theo & Ianzz @coffee bean
my camera from shirlene's cam

posted by yuki Lai at 9/30/2007 08:52:00 下午 | Permalink |