get out of my life ~U !
u know~~i juz back from town~with a really good mood after watching Wall-E, went to do body massage, enjoyed the Delifrance cupcake...i was so happy~~
then ~I juz look around through internet, i found someone so stupid and funny, do u think u r the GOD of the world??plz la~~look for a mirror to see urself la~~ feel sorry for urself? well~~i am so sorry for u !!!!!!! what's the definition of HUMAN ???? im sure u not one of us!!!!! u stupid idiot!!!!! u think i care???NNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!! sorry la i have to say like this~~im so pissed off now!!! why some ppl like that ar???? after know each other for so long time~U can do this to me??? walau er!!!!!

whatever la!
posted by yuki Lai at 8/24/2008 11:38:00 下午 | Permalink |